Thursday, September 2, 2010


There was a set of twins once. David and Daniel. David was good and Daniel was bad.

In kindergarten, Daniel and his friends would throw wooden blocks across the room at the other children. When the teacher reprimanded him, David would smirk from the shadows.

Serves him right.

In middle school, Daniel and his friends would sneak into the girls’ locker room and watch them change. When they were caught, David would smirk from the shadows.

Serves him right.

In high school, Daniel would stay out all night with his friends. When his parents would yell at him, David would smirk from the shadows.

Serves him right.

In college, Daniel would get drunk with his buddies. The next day when he suffered from a hangover, David would smirk from the shadows.

Serves him right.

His whole life, whenever he went to the beach, Daniel would refuse to where sunscreen. When he died of skin cancer, David smirked from the shadows.

Serves him right.

Then David was alone. No friends. No Lovers. No Fun. Just cold, pale, and alone.

Serves him right.


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